Monday, July 27, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
manglish? Don't into it...
the solid reason for this is just we all using manglish which is english people actually cannot understand us. so..,tryla ckp dlm bhs english yg btol k..,aku pon tgh mencuba gk ni.., malu kat ank murid sat g even ppsmi dah dmansuhkan..,tp xsalah kta blajar the correct way in a rigt way kan?hee..
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
28 julai = me as interviewee
One day, I received a text from wani aka wacan.., which is, from the text, lead me to the news that I’m gonna be interview by the kpm on this Tuesday, 28th July 2009. alhamdulillah, lega gle dapat tau aku akan ditemuduga..,kalu lepas nnt,leh la ak jd seorg guru.., siap berangan nk buat ape ngn duit gaji..,hehe..,mcm2 yg terlintas kt kpala..,nk make up kereta laa, nk fokus kat berat badanlaa, nk kumpul duit wat majlis laa...,mcm2laa..,
well..,i tot that's not important issue here,the thing is, kna bg lepas interbiu dl..tol x? to all my frens, good luck with ur interview, and to my frens who taken sarjana rite now and whoever know me laa, wish me luck k! neves plak rs.., huu..,nk kna study ape ek? Sape ada idea? i need to have better grasp bout educational system including all the policies..,PPSMI? help me..!
p/s matden kna interbiu 3 ogos..,adoi,xadil..,dpt tarikh yg sm kan best..,
Sunday, July 19, 2009
pertunangan kaklong!
ok,ak nk selitkan sedikit sejarah kaklong ngn syhawal,untuk pengetahuan, dorg ni sebenanye kenal dari bangku sekolah rendah ag.., kecik2 da pandai dating taw..,hehe..,aku plak mmg knal mamat ni,sbb classmate ak time darjah 5..,kecik2 lu mamat ni nakal,ak pernh nangis dlm kelas ni sbb die tarik tudung ak..,huu,xsangka die jd bakal abg ipar ak..,tp bile da besar ni,die best r,,sgt bertanggungjwb..,at least dpt gk ak rs ada seorg abg..,hehe.. stay put!!!
inilah barang hantaran buatan mak ak snd..,ok x?